The 2nd edition of Phoenix: The Fall & Rise of Videogames is now
available! New to the 2nd edition include:
* Individual chapters covering 1994, 1995, & 1996.
* Over 130 photographs
* Summary of early computer/game machines including the
Commodore 64 and the Atari 400/800.
* Brief history of the internet.
* Internet newsgroup and Web addresses of interest to
videogame fans.
* Expanded coverage of historically important arcade machines.
* Foreword by Keith 'Videotopia' Feinstein.
We at AGH are unanimous in the belief that "Phoenix" is far and away the definitive
book on the history of videogames. If you're looking for facts without
the hype, this book is for you. Herman has closely followed the gaming
scene from its early roots and is well renowned for coming up with facts
and figures that no other industry pundit can.
All owners of the original book are entitled to purchase the new edition
for $10.00; 50% off the $19.95 cover price. If you purchased the original
through Rolenta Press, then you should have received a flier in the mail
announcing the new edition (unless you moved in the past three years and they
can't find you). If you purchased the 1st edition in a store and would like to buy
the second, just send the coupon found on the last page of the 1st edition with a
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take up to a week longer for it to clear).
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