Emulating Games - Getting Started (v0.01a) ========================================== Kevin Brisley kevin@isgtec.com http://www.icomm.ca/replay *** *** NOTE: This document is not finished. I started it back in January *** but have just never gotten around to finishing it off (too *** much time spent writing actual emulations :-)) *** *** I may try and complete it sometime in the future but thought *** I would release it now in case it can be of any help to *** anyone in its current form. *** *** Kevin. *** Contents ======== 1. Change History 2. Introduction 3. Document Status/Contributions 4. Selecting a Game 5. Development/Target Environment 6. CPU 7. Memory Mapping the Code 8. Reset 9. Interrupts 10. Graphics Format 11. Controls/Switch Settings, etc. A. Useful Sites 1. Change History ================== +-----------------------+------+----------------------------------------------+ | Date | Ver. | Comments | +-----------------------+------+----------------------------------------------+ | January 19, 1997 | 0.10 | Initial, incomplete draft version. | +-----------------------+------+----------------------------------------------+ 2. Introduction ================ When I first saw Dave Spicer's arcade emulator, I thought..."Cool, I can play some of my old arcade favourites!". The next thing I thought was..."Hey it would be even cooler to write an emulator." I didn't follow up on the idea right away but after Sergio's Pengo emulator and Emu from Neil I thought that I really should give an arcade emulator a shot. I decided to try and emulate Burgertime first and have learned a lot along the way. The one thing that I noticed that often came up in the arcade emulation scene was requests for details on how to go about creating an emulator. People have asked whether the authors kept detailed notes on the games they've emulated and whether they could provide details on the process they took. Since then there have been numerous sources of information on various aspects of emulator creation ranging from source code from Neil Bradley to the contributors to the emulator repository to the excellent "How-To" provided by Michael Adcock. A lot of the information is concerned with the "results". For example, source code for a 6502...but how do you know if a game uses a 6502 in the first place? Or a memory map for Space Invaders...but how did someone come up with this? What I've provided in this document is a view slightly different from the other information sources available. What you'll find here is a walkthrough of the process I took in figuring out the Burgertime specifications and some notes on how this translates into the creation of my emulator entitled "Replay". It's basically a formatted version of all of my notes from along the way. My hope is that this will complement all of the excellent sources of information that already exist for writing arcade emulators. The great thing about the emulation scene is the willingness of the authors to share the information they've gathered. The more everyone knows, the more games will be emulated. And enjoying all of the old classics is really what it's all about. 3. Document Status/Contributions ================================= This document is not complete yet and I intend to add more to it as I add things like sound. If you find anything that is misleading or just plain wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it. Also if you have *any* contributions I'll gladly add them with proper credit of course. 4. Selecting a Game ==================== The first question I asked myself when I decided to write an arcade emulator was "What game should I emulate". I considered the following factors which I believe are pretty good guidelines: Availability ------------ A biggie. What's available for the game. The more the better. At a bare minimum you need ROMs for the game. If they're already available on one of the archive sites then great, otherwise you need to find someone who will dump them for you, or you need to dump them yourself. Without ROMs, it's going to be tough going. The Burgertime ROMs were available making it a good candidate. What else is available...schematics can be very useful, as can switch settings. Check around, use DejaNews and other search archives and see what's out there. For Burgertime, schematics and switch settings were both available with a little searching. Complexity ---------- When you're coding an emulator for the first time, you probably want to start with something fairly simple. Lots of games used 6502 or Z80 processors which are easier to implement than 68000 for example. As well, there is source for 6502 and Z80 emulators available from Marat Fayzullin and others. Also, single CPU games are obviously easier than multi-CPU games. Newer games also have more dedicated hardware and custom chips, all of which add to the complexity. Burgertime is 6502 based and came out in 1982. It does use two CPUs, though one is strictly for sound and therefore a working emulation (without sound of course) can be done by only emulating one processer. Duplication ----------- A minor consideration might be whether or not someone has already produced an emulator for the game or is in the process of creating one. Depending on your outlook you might consider this a pro or a con. If there's someone out there who's already emulated it, chances are there is information about it and they may be able to help you. On the other hand, it's nice to emulate something no one else has done. With Burgertime I took the latter view and decided to emulate a new game that hadn't been done before. Preference ---------- Perhaps the biggest consideration in choosing a game is your own personal preference. What game would you like to see emulated? What old personal favourite do you want to play again? I played Burgertime a lot during my high school days and I really wanted to see it running on my PC. 5. Development/Target Environment ================================== There's been a lot of discussion on mailing lists and Usenet about this issue. Should it run in Win95, should it be portable, etc. All I'm going to say about this is pick an environment that fits your goals. If you want it to be portable, do it in C. If you want it to be blazing fast, do it in ASM. If you always run DOS, do it in DOS. If you run strictly on Unix, do it in Unix. There's no, one right answer for this. I run Win95 and Linux at home so my goal was to create a playable emulator that ran under these environments on my P90. I prefer developing under a Unix environment simply because that's what I'm used to, so I created the emulator under Linux initially with portability in mind. After it was running I ported it to DOS. To facilitate the portability, it's written completely in C. "OK, that's fine but let's get to the good stuff...I've picked my game, how do I figure the rest out." 6. CPU ======= Obviously a big piece of the puzzle is the number and types of CPUs used in the game. If you're going to write a CPU emulator, you've got to know what you're emulating. The best way of determining the CPU type is first hand knowledge. If you can, look at a board for the game, or the schematics, or ask around. Of course if you knew the type of CPU you wouldn't be reading this section, so what if none of the above methods pan out. Well, the next thing to do is grab yourself some disassemblers for various processors and run them against the ROMs for the game. There are some clues you can check for that may help you identify the CPU used. The first thing, and probably the best, is to look through the disassembled code and see if any of it makes sense. You don't have to be an expert on the processor to see if the code has some structure or if it's just junk. Remember, some of the ROMs contain code while others contain graphics, sound data, etc., so looking at just one ROM won't do it. In the worst case, you'll need to scan each ROM before eliminating a particular CPU. When scanning the code, look for things like small blocks of code that make sense like a loop that copies information from one area of memory to another. Also, look for 'Jump Subroutine' commands and check that code at the destination address does in fact look like a subroutine and has a 'Return from Subroutine' command. There are also some processor specific hints (if anyone has any more, please let me know and I'll add them): 6502 ---- One 'feature' of the 6502 is that it doesn't save the accumulator or index registers on an interrupt. What this means is that the programmer has to save these himself (typically on the stack) at the start of the interrupt handler and read them back at the end. Therefore a great way of identifying 6502 code is to look for something of the form: XXXX: pha XXXX: tya XXXX: pha XXXX: txa XXXX: pha ...Some Interrupt Code. XXXX: pla XXXX: tax XXXX: pla XXXX: tay XXXX: pla XXXX: rti (or rts) If you find something like this, and other code makes sense, it's probably 6502. Z80 --- * Note, I'm really not sure that what I say here about Z80 interrupts is totally correct so please take with a grain of salt (and correct me if it's wrong). Z80's handle non-maskable interrupts (NMIs) at address 0x0066 and maskable interrupts (IRQs) at address 0x0038. So pretend each ROM starts at 0x0000 and look at the code at 0x0038 and 0x0066. Does it make sense? Does it end in a RETI (return from interrupt) command? If so, it's a good possibility that you're looking at Z80 code. Also, the Z80 has different interrupt modes which are set by a command like 'IM x' where X is 0, 1, or 2. This is usually done right near the start of execution. Since Z80 starts executing at 0x0000, look at each ROM and see if an 'IM x' instruction appears right near the top. If so, you're probably looking at the first ROM of Z80 code. When I was trying to determine the CPUs in Burgertime, I had the schematics so I started there. A quick inspections reveals two CPUs, one for sound and one for the game. The sound CPU is labelled 6502. Great, that was easy. The game CPU on the other hand had the cryptic label "CPU 7". Not very helpful. So the next thing I did was hit the ROMs with a couple of disassemblers like I mentioned above. After disassembling the Burgertime ROMs with a 6502 disassembler, I scanned for the 'pha, txa, pha, etc.' magic combinations and found the following in AB06.13B: 00000046: pha 00000047: txa 00000048: pha 00000049: tya 0000004A: pha ...Some code... 00000094: pla 00000095: tay 00000096: pla 00000097: tax 00000098: pla 00000099: rti It looked like a good 6502 candidate. I checked other code in this file and determined that it made a lot of sense. As a result, I determined that the game CPU was a 6502 as well. I wondered at the time why it was labelled differently than the sound CPU. I later found out why, see sections later on for details. Emulation --------- Once you know the types of CPUs used, you need an emulator for them. There are two possibilities, either use one of the already existing CPU emulation cores or roll your own. If you're primarly interested in getting the game going, it's probably best to at least start with one of the existing ones. If the intellectual exercise of writing your own appeals to you or you simply want your emulator to be completely your own then by all means write an emulation core up from scratch. For my emulator, I wanted to go through the exercise of writing all of the emulation so I wrote my own 6502 core using some of the existing source as a reference. I won't go into *how* to write the CPU emulator as taking a look at existing source would probably be much more informative. However, there are some things you may want to consider when writing one (or using an existing one for that matter). It helps greatly to have some sort of tracer or debugger to go along with your emulation. Later when you're really getting the emulation going, it is nice to be able to step through the code as it's executing in your emulator. For Replay, I added a fairly complete debugger that includes windows that display the source, the stack, memory and status. It allows you to set breakpoints on memory locations, opcodes or memory writes. You can view source and memory contents and turn on tracing which will log the commands as they execute to a log file. All of this will help you in your investigation. It's fairly simple to add debugging capabilities to the existing emulation packages. Take Marat's emulators for example. They essentially execute in a loop that continually fetches an opcode, ups the program counter, fetches the arguments based on the opcode and ups the program counter. So to add a debugger, simply stick a function call into the loop that exits out to your debugging code. Do what you want and then return. For example, you could have something like: while (1) { /* Retrive opcode. */ op = MEMORY[pc]; #ifdef DEBUG /* Give control to the debugger with the program counter & opcode. */ CheckDebugger (pc, op); #endif /* Up the program counter now that the debugger is finished. */ pc += 1; /* Execute the opcode. */ (*(fn[op])) (); } #ifdef DEBUG CheckDebugger (Word pc, Byte op) { /* Check for breakpoints. */ if (!Breakpoint (pc)) { return; } /* Draw debugger, get command, process it, etc. */ } #endif The above example is *very* simplified but gives the general idea. The reason why the debugging stuff is in #ifdef's is that processing the debugger is going to slow the emulation down and once the game works, there's no need for it. 7. Memory Mapping the Code =========================== Now that you've written your CPU emulator (that was easy eh? :), you probably want to try and run the ROMs for your game on it. However, to do this, you've got to figure out where in memory, the ROMs with the code map to. This is actually fairly easy to do. There are a couple of methods to use: inspect the disassembled code or check the schematics. Obviously if you don't have the schematics you'll have to use the first method and actually, unless you're an electrical engineer (I'm not) I suggest the inspection method anyways. Inspection ---------- I find the easiest way to go about this is to take each ROM that you think has code in it, edit the disassembly and look for jumps and subroutine calls. Since these are absolute (i.e. the argument is the actual address to jump to) as opposed to branches which are relative (i.e. the argument is an offset) you can use the addresses in the jumps to help you. Unless the code is really spaghetti like, the majority of jumps and subroutines will be to addresses fairly near to the call. Therefore if you look at a disassembly and find that the majority of the calls are to addresses of the form $Cxxx with a few calls here and there to $Dxxx and $Bxxx addresses then it is a good bet that the ROM is mapped to $C000-$CFFF (assuming it's a 4K ROM). Repeat this procedure for all of the code ROMs. When you finish, you'll hopefully have each ROM mapped to a different location (if not, the method has obviously failed). Once you've finished the process, you can check the addresses where the interrupts or interrupt vectors are located and see if they make sense (see the section on Reset/Interrupt). You can also check some jumps that go from one ROM to another and see if the code at the destination looks reasonable. As an example, I'll look at the AB04.9B file of Burgertime. If you disassemble this with the 6502 disassembler and start searching for 'jmp' or 'jsr' calls, you'll find the following: 0000: jmp $D046 0003: jmp $C00D 001B: jsr $C362 001E: jsr $C34D 0029: jsr $C7DD 0041: jsr $C44C 0046: jsr $CAFF ...and later... 0886: jmp $C87D 08F2: jsr $DB8C 08F5: jsr $C999 0901: jsr $CA21 0909: jsr $CA21 etc. Looked like a pretty good candidate for $C000-$CFFF. Almost all calls are of the form $Cxxx with only a couple of $Dxxx calls here and there. After doing this for the rest of the ROMs, you will find the following: AB05A1.12B: $B000-$BFFF (game) AB04.9B: $C000-$CFFF (game) AB06.13B: $D000-$DFFF (game) AB05.10B: $E000-$EFFF (game) AB07.15B: $F000-$FFFF (game) AB14.12H: $F000-$FFFF (sound) "Yikes, two ROMs mapped to $F000-$FFFF, how did you know which was which." Well, since there were two CPUs, there must be two ROMs that map to the section of memory where execution starts (for 6502, that's the reset vector at $FFFC/$FFFD) otherwise both CPUs would be running the same code. Using the inspection method it's fairly obvious that AB14.12H corresponds to the sound CPU and AB07.15B corresponds to the game CPU since there are no jumps out of the $F000-$FFFF range in AB14.12H and there are out of AB07.15B. I guess the alternate conclusion is that the first 5 ROMs listed are for the sound and only the last one is for the game, but then it would have to be a pretty simple game with some kick ass sound :) Schematics ---------- If you're good at reading schematics, you can skip this section. Unless of course you'd like to rewrite it for me, since this is really not my specialty. When I started this project, I had no idea how to read a schematic but I've managed to figure out enough to make pretty good use of them. They can tell you a lot if you know what to look for. One very important point here...if you don't know which ROM files correspond to which ROM chips on the schematic, this method will not work. Fortunately, most of the archived ROMs out there use some sort of naming convention that corresponds to the schematics. First some basics (really, really basic :-): o The CPU should be connected up to an address bus and a data bus through address and data lines respectively on the CPU. Anything connected to the buses can put bits onto the bus or take them off. o When the CPU writes a value, it sends the bits of the address out through the address lines onto the address bus and the bits of the value out through the data lines onto the data bus. When it reads a value, it sends the bits of the address out through the address lines onto the address bus and reads the result off the data bus through the data lines. For example, let's say the 6502 CPU does a 'lda #$99; sta $4444': $99 is 10011001 in binary so it will send 1 out on data line 0, 0 out on data line 1, 0 out on data line 2, ... , and 1 out on data line 7. $4444 is 0100010001000100 in binary so it will send 0 out on data line 0, 0 out on data line 1, 1 out on data line 2, ..., and 0 out on data line 15. o There is a line out of the CPU which indicates whether the operation is a read or a write. So assuming that 0 means write and 1 means read, this line would have contained a 0 in the previous example. o ROM chips have an input line that indicates when the chip is active (i.e. when to read the address from the address bus and put the value onto the data bus. o Gluing all of this together are a bunch of integrated circuits (ICs) that spend their time redirecting and massaging the bits. Now, what we want to figure out the address range for a particular ROM chip, so we want to know what is on the address bus when the chip gets enabled. So to determine it's mapping, we just need to trace the activation line back to find out under what circumstances the chip becomes active. To do this, you need some knowledge of how the various ICs work. There are some good resources on the internet for this (see the References appendix) and lots of books available that can help. The best way to explain how to go about this is with an example. Grab a copy of the Burgertime Schematics so you can follow along, I'm not going to try and duplicate stuff with ASCII art :) Let's take the AB04.9B file that is used in the Inspection example. Looking at the Burgertime sound board schematics there are 6 2732's (4K ROM chips) near the top. These are connected directly to the address bus and the data bus and therefore look like they may contain code. Also, they are labelled, 7B (not used), 12B, 9B, 13B, 10B and 15B. Since I found code in AB05A1.12B, AB04.9B, AB06.13B, AB05.10B and AB07.15B it's a good bet that these files correspond to the ROM chips. To figure out when AB04.9B becomes active, we trace the activation line back. This line is labelled "OE/VPP" and is pin 20. 1) For it to be active, the line must have a value of zero on it. 2) So tracing the line back, we determine that the LS138 at location 10A needs to put out a 0 on "Y4" (pin 11). 3) Checking our IC reference, we find out that a LS138 is a "1-8 inverting decoder/demultiplexer". Yeah whatever. The thing we're really interested in is what makes pin 11 have a value of 0? Well looking at the truth table provided reveals the following: +---+----+----+---+---+---+---+ Name: |EN1|/EN2|/EN3| S2| S1| S0I/Y4| Pin: | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 I 11| +===+====+====+===+===+===+===+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 I 0 | +---+----+----+---+---+---+---+ Therefore, we need pins 6 and 3 to be 1, and pins 5, 4, 2, and 1 to be 0 for pin 11 to be 0. 4) Since we are trying to find the address of the ROM, we're really only interested in things that trace back to the address lines. If we trace pin 6 back...we find it goes through an LS367 at location 14A which gets input from something called B02 from the CPU and the R/W line from the CPU. We'll assume that the R/W line must be set to Read (since this is read only) and we won't worry about B02 since it's not an address line. 5) If we trace pin 5 back, it ultimately comes from the same LS367 as pin 6, so we won't worry about it either. 6) Pin 4 comes from an LS00 at 9A. An LS00 is a 2 input NAND gate with the forumla: __ /Y=AB Therefore pins 12 and 13 must be 1 for the output to be 0. Pin 13 is connected to a +5V, so it will always be 1. Therefore, we need pin 12 to be 1 as well. For pin 12 to be 1, BA15 must be 1. BA15 is address line 15, so we've found an interesting piece of the puzzle, for the ROM to be active, the address must be of the form: 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 7) Pin 3 comes directly from BA14, so for pin 3 to be 1, BA14 must be 1. Now the address must be of the form: 11xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 8) Pin 2 comes directly from BA13, so BA13 must be 0 and the address must be of the form: 110xxxxxxxxx. 9) Finally, pin 1 comes directly from BA12 and therefore BA12 must be 0. So all pins contributing to whether ROM AB04.9B becomes active have been identified leaving us with an address of the form: 1100xxxxxxxxxxxx, which is $Cxxx. Therefore, AB04.9B starts at $C000 and since it's 4096 bytes long, it ends at $CFFF. So the schematic method tells us that AB04.9B fits into $C000-$CFFF in memory, just like the Investigation method revealed. If we repeat the above for the remainder of the ROMs, we would see that it confirms what we determined from the Investigation method. As I said earlier, it's much easier (at least I think so) to use the investigation method than trace the schematic. However, the schematic method is very useful in identifying things like where dip switches and controls are located in memory since Investigation is a little more difficult for those type of things. Once you've done all of that and are fairly confident about where the ROMs go, you can add some code to your emulator to read the ROMs into a buffer at the correct locations. For example: void LoadROMs (byte *memory) { static struct ROM_AddressMap { char *ROMName; word Address; word Size; } map[] = { { "AB05A1.12B", 0xb000, 0x1000 }, { "A04.9B", 0xc000, 0x1000 }, { "AB06.13B", 0xd000, 0x1000 }, { "AB05.10B", 0xe000, 0x1000 }, { "AB07.15B", 0xf000, 0x1000 }, { (char *)NULL, 0x0000, 0x1000 } }; int i; FILE *fp; fp = fopen (map[i].ROMName, "rb"); for (i = 0 ; map[i].ROMName != (char *)NULL ; i ++) { fread (memory + map[i].Address, map[i].Size, fp); } fclose (fp); } 8. Reset ========= Now that you've got the ROM code loaded into your memory buffer, you'd like your emulator to start executing the code. But where is the "start" of the code? The answer is different for each CPU. For the 6502, there is a reset vector that tells the CPU where to start executing the code. This is located at locations $FFFC and $FFFD. The 6809 also has a reset vector. It is located at $FFFE and $FFFF. For the Z80. The code always starts executing at location $0000. So for Burgertime, to find the start of code, we need to get the bytes from locations $FFFC and $FFFD. Using hexdump (or any binary dumper or editor) on the file AB07.15B, we get: fff0: 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 3 ff ................ The above line just shows the values of the bytes from $FFF0-$FFFF. So we get: $FFFC = 0 $FFFD = FF Therefore, in Burgertime, code begins at location $FF00. If we take a look at the disassembled code at this location we find: FF00: jmp $FF09 ... FF09: lda $4003 FF0C: and #$10 FF0E: beq $FF33 FF10: lda $4003 FF13: and #$20 FF15: beq $FF44 FF17: jmp $C003 Which basically branches to different locations based on the value of $4003. (Could $4003 be a dip switch perhaps? We'll see soon enough :-) So the code looks pretty good for the starting point of our game. What does this mean? Well, if you are using a pre-rolled CPU emulator, it already knows these things and will start at the correct address. Otherwise, you will need to load the program counter of your emulator with the correct address to begin execution. Your emulator should now be able to execute the original ROMs. Of course you don't have any graphics, controls or sound but hey it's a start. If you've put in a debugger or tracer, you should be able to follow the execution as your emulator runs through the code. 9. Interrupts ============== Interrupts can be very important in game emulation. Interrupts are when the flow of code is interrupted by some sort of system signal (an interrupt) which is then handled by running a specific piece of code (an interrupt handler). Without them, some things may not work in your game. For example, the game may generate an interrupt when a coin is inserted and in the interrupt handler code, increment the variable that counts the number of credits. Without this occurring, you'd never be able to start a game because the game would never think you've inserted any coins. Interrupts usually come in two flavours, maskable (IRQ) and non-maskable (NMI). Maskable interrupts are interrupts that the CPU can be told to ignore, whereas non-maskable interrupts will always occur. Depending on the processor, interrupt handlers are stored at various locations. 6502 ---- In the 6502, there is an interrupt vector (which works just like the reset vector) at locations $FFFE and $FFFF. The non-maskable interrupt vector is located at locations $FFFA and $FFFB. Z80 --- *Note: Again, I'm not sure about the following. At this time I haven't done much work with Z80. It probably depends on the interrupt mode (IM x). Feel free to correct this. In the Z80, the interrupt handler is located at location 0x0038 and the non-maskable interrupt handler is located at location 0x0066. 6809 ---- The 6809 has an interrupt vector at locations $FFF8 and $FFF9. The non- maskable interrupt vector is located at locations $FFFC and $FFFD. There is also a fast hardware interrupt vector at locations $FFF6 and $FFF7 as well as some instruction interrupt vectors at $FFF2/$FFF3, $FFF4/$FFF5 and $FFFA/$FFFB. I'm not sure what these are for. Well, that's all just great, but what do we do about it? It seems the easiest solution is to have your emulator break out of its 'fetch opcode - execute instruction' loop every X cycles and use this as if an interrupt occurred. You can see something similar in Marat's 6502 source code. Your code would look something like: 6502 () { ... /* * Read opcode and execute instruction. */ op = M_RDMEM(PC++) (*(func[op])) (); /* * Update the cycle count. If it's greater than X cycles then interrupt. */ cycles += cycle_count[op]; if (cycles > X) { int i = Interrupt (); /* * If the interrupt is not maskable or its maskable but the * interrupt ignore flag is not st then process the interrupt. */ if ((i == INT_NMI) || ((i == INT_IRQ) && !(PS.I_FLAG))) { /* * Push current PC onto stack, load PC with address * of required interrupt handler and continue on normally. */ ... } } ... } During the "Interrupt()" call is a good time to do all of your hardware processing. This would include updating the display, and checking for keystrokes or joystick controls. The function should return whether something has caused an IRQ (and therefore the IRQ handler should be called) or if something has caused an NMI (and therefore the NMI handler should be called). It's possible that there is no need for an actual interrupt in the emulated game and therefore, something like INT_NONE should be returned. For example, maybe you took the opportunity to update the screen, but no controls were being pressed; then perhaps there is no need to call an interrupt handler. How do you determine what actions during your Interrupt() function should cause an IRQ and what actions should cause an NMI? Well, you can try and look at the code in the handlers and see if you can figure out what it is responding to. For instance, maybe you can tell that it is updating the location of your character which would lead you to believe that you should return an INT_IRQ after you detect a key press or joystick control. Probably the easiest way is to just not return any interrupt indication at first and see how your game runs. If it seems to get stuck, try returning INT_IRQ or INT_NMI for things like the key presses for coin inserts, the key presses for controls, or just always return an interrupt. See what works. Don't forgert that your emulator code should ignore IRQ's if the interrupt disable flag is set (e.g. through a SEI call in 6502). NMI's should always result in a call to the NMI handler. So for Burgertime, to find the interrupt handler locations, we need to get the bytes from locations $FFFA/$FFFB and $FFFE/$FFFF. Using hexdump (or any binary dumper or editor) on the file AB07.15B, we get: fff0: 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 0 ff 3 ff ................ Therefore the IRQ handler should be located at $FF03 and the NMI handler should be located at $FF00. The first thing I found strange about this was that the NMI handler was at the same location as the start of the code. I figured that a possible solution was that there were no NMIs. However looking at the schematics indicated that the coinbox was hooked up to the CPU through the NMI pin which would indicate that there were NMIs. So I thought I'd try to figure out the IRQ. The first thing I did was set a couple of opcode breakpoints in my 6502 debugger to break whenever a set interrupt disable (SEI) or a clear interrupt disable (CLI) instruction was hit. Upon running the ROM I found that basically, the interrupt is disabled pretty much throughout the execution of the code. This led me to believe that it was actually IRQ's that didn't exist in Burgertime. So maybe the handlers were reversed (i.e. the IRQ handler is actually the NMI handler). This seemed quite possible since the Burgertime 6502 is a modified one (the pinout described on the schematic is different from a standard 6502). To confirm that this was the case, I took a look at the routine at $FF03. It jumps around alot but after tracing through it looks like it is used to check for coin insertion. So my Interrupt() function looked something like: int Interrupt () { if (key_pressed(COIN_INSERT)) { /* * Set bits that indicate coin insert. See later section for * details. */ return (INT_NMI); } else if (key_pressed(CONTROLS)) { /* * Set bits that indicate that the joystick or button has been * used. See later section for details. */ } return (INT_NONE); } Of course I also had to modify my 6502 emulation to swap the IRQ with NMI handlers but in the normal case you shouldn't have to worry about that :) After hooking all this up, Burgertime behaved correctly. 10. Graphics Format ==================== A. Useful Sites ================ Below are some of sites where you can find useful information to help with your emulation: Arcade Emulation Programming Repository: http://emulate.simplenet.com/EmuProgramming/index.html Chip Directory: ftp://ftp.unina.it/pub/chipdir/chipdir.html Motorola Chip Info: http://www.infodex.com/demo/motorola/ Giant Internet IC Masturbator: http://www.paranoia.com/~filipg/HTML/cgi-bin/giicm_form.html JROK's Schematic: http://www.cyberpass.net/~jrok/ Wiretap Archive: http://www.spies.com/arcade/