10. Bombjack Twin
I always liked the original Bomb Jack, but I really
fell in love with this sequel. Playability was even
better than in the original.
9. Space Duel
Great Asteroids-type shoot-em-up. Another "forgotten"
classic by Atari. Great gameplay, good multiplayer option.
8. Galaga '88
Who says sequels can't be attractive? What should I
say? Galaga is Galaga. This time it's just in more playable
and in a more beautiful package.
7. Puzzle Bobble
Great multiplayer mode. Lots of fun.
6. Xevious
Mother of all modern shoot-em-ups. Exciting, (not too)
difficult, and sometimes even surprising.
5. Warlords
Simple, but extremely attractive game.
4. Star Wars
Although I always sucked at this game, I'll never forget
the impression it made to me. Star Wars in upright cabinet
is pure art.
3. Ms. Pac-Man
Best of the Pac-Man family. A classic.
2. Gravitar
You can't call yourself a real player until you have
mastered Gravitar. Difficult at first, but one hell of a
gaming experience.
1. Stargate
Best arcade machine ever created. Period. "Fast, demanding,
attactive, challenging". Many times companies use these words for
advertising, but Stargate delivers all the goodies. If you want
to know what classic arcade gaming means, go for Stargate.
Honorable Mentions:
Bomb Jack (Tecmo)
Bubble Bobble (Taito)
Centipede (Atari)
Gauntlet I & II (Atari)
I, Robot (Atari)
Mr. Do! (Universal)
Pole Position (Namco)