I just discovered your site, and I'd like to add my list...
Well, i think I'm a bit younger than the otehr people who
made lists, and the oldest game on my list is maybe from 1985...
10. F-1 Exhaust Note
It's the end of a generation, not really a 3-D racing game,
but really cool sensations, racing face-to-face with a friend.
9. After Burner
The ultimate F-14 shoot-em-up, especially in the deluxe coin-op
where you can rotate at 180 degrees.
8. Operation Wolf
What's better than slaughtering dozens of soldiers for
5 Francs? (French currency)
7. Raiden
(Seibu Keihan)
I remember destroying tons of alien ships with the widest
laser I ever saw in a video game. When firing with it, you
couldn't see half of the screen!
6. Final Fight
Funny characters and atmosphere in this beat-em-up, who
just brought this game-style to its best.
5. Cabal
This one, although less popular than Operation Wolf (there
was no gun, only a joystick) is much more enjoyable in my mind,
and you could move the character, which is more fun.
4. Snow Bros.
A Bubble Bobble-like game, but with really funny animations
and gameplay.
3. Hard Drivin'
I could have had my driving license at 13 years old, thanks
to Atari...
2. Out Run
So many colors! Sometimes you couldn't distinguish what was
on screen, but it's so good to ride along the sea with a blond
girl by your side.
1. Pac-Mania
Too few success for that Pac-Man, who re-invented the concept
ten years later. What's new? Pac-Man is in 3-D, and you can jump
over the ghosts... Seems to be nothing really new, but that's a
major difference, enhancing the game's interest. I may be the only
one, but I love Pac-Mania. Thanks to God, It was ported to the Atari
ST, and even to HP-48, (a day at school can be so long...)
Other Games Of Interest:
-Bomb Jack
-Daytona USA
-Double Dragon
Bomb Jack
Daytona USA
Pang (Buster Brothers)
Double Dragon