By Mylstar
Mylstar Electronics (known earlier as Gottlieb) created a
conversion kit in 1983 that turned the M.A.C.H. 3 laser
coin-op into Us vs. Them, a science-fiction adventure.
Live-action film footage combined with superimposed computer
graphics to create near-movie effects, as players assume
roles of pilots defending the United States from alien
invaders. Actors take the roles of frightened citizens and
military command personnel, as the combat takes place over
San Francisco, Chicago and Hollywood, as well as through
forest, mountain and desert terrain.
Players have a joystick to bank the plane sideways, shoot
forward or backward, and move in and out of the game's
depth perspective, through four different playing angles
that include profile views of the action and even shots
from behind the plane.
The key to winning the game lies inside the Alien Mother
Ship, and players can use additional coins to continue
a game. Special sound effects, visual treats, orchestral
score and even built-in seat vibration make the illusion
of flight quite realistic.
After all is said and done, however, it's just another
shooting/flying derivative.