• Insert the 5200 game cartridge into your ATARI 5200 SuperSystem so the label faces you and reads right-side-up. Be sure the cartridge is firmly seated in the center slot of the console, but do not force it. Then press the POWER switch on. See your Owner's Manual for further details.


  • I may be young, but I'm no baby! I'm a star just like my folks, Pac-Man (tm) and Ms. Pac-Man (tm). And I've got twice their energy! Come play with me! We'll race around giant playgrounds. We'll chase down magic candy and run from ghostly bullies who'll tickle me to death if they catch me. My playgrounds are full of challenging mazes with corners and alleys to hide in. I run faster than a speeding roller skate, ducking behind barriers, dodging those mean bullies. I can even race from one side of a playground to the other. That's a lot of ground to cover! But I've got to play a lot harder than my folks to live up to the Pac-Man family name. That's why this is a whole new game!


  • On the playground maze, Jr. Pac-Man runs like mad, eating every dot in sight while trying to avoid the four ghost bullies - Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Tim. You start the game with five turns, and lose a turn every time a bully catches Junior. The game ends when you lose all of your turns. Have Junior eat a power pill when the ghost bullies start closing in. Suddenly, he's stronger than the bullies - they're running from him! Be aggressive and get them! When you gobble a ghost, the eyes float back to the re-incarnation chamber at the center of the playground. There they are re-incarnated and emerge to chase Junior again. Watch for a toy-shaped candy that tromps across the playground. It turns every dot it touches into a bigger dot worth more points. But have Junior eat it before it goes too far - it can destroy the power pills!


  • Plug your 5200 controller firmly into jack 1 for one-player games. Plug a second controller into jack 2 for two-player games. Use your joystick to joyride throughout the maze. Jr. Pac-Man moves in the same direction you move the joystick. The maze scrolls when Junior moves to the left or right edge of the screen.


  • When the cartridge is inserted and the POWER is switched on, the game selection screen will appear. If you wish to see a demonstration of the game, just wait a minute or two and the game demo will automatically begin. At the game selection screen, press the # key to choose between a one- or two-player game. Press the * key to choose the skill level you desire.

    To START, PAUSE, and RESET a game:

    Press START to begin playing a Jr. Pac-Man game.

    Press PAUSE to freeze all game play. Press PAUSE again to resume game play. Press PAUSE and then START to start another game at the same skill level. Press PAUSE and then RESET to return to the game selection screen.


  • When you graduate to each higher level, the playground is faster, tougher, and even more challenging than the one before. At the game selection screen, use the "*" key to choose your skill level.
    Teddy Bear     -     Easiest
    Tricycle                |
    Kite                    |
    Drum                    |
    Balloon                 |
    Train                   |
    Kitty                   |
    Root Beer      -     Hardest

  • Score points by having Jr. Pac-Man eat the bullies. The more bullies he eats per power pill, the more points you score.

  • Your score appears at the top of the screen. The number of turns you have left appears at the lower left. Your skill level appears at the lower right.


    First ghost ...................200 points
    Second ghost ..................400 points
    Third ghost ...................800 points
    Fourth ghost .................1600 points
    Teddy Bear .....................50 points
    Tricycle ......................100 points
    Kite ..........................200 points
    Drum ..........................500 points
    Balloon .......................700 points
    Train ........................1000 points
    Kitty ........................2000 points
    Root Beer ....................5000 points
    Dot ............................10 points
    Dot touched by toy candy .......50 points
    Energy pill ....................50 points
    At 10,000 points, you earn a bonus turn.


    * Don't let Jr. Pac-Man eat the power pills too early. Wait until the bullies gain on him, then have him tease them toward a pill, quickly gobble it, and immediately chase them.

    * Have Junior eat as many dots as he can before he eats the power pills. This gives him more clear paths for chasing bullies. Dots worth 10 points slow Jr. Pac-Man down. Dots worth 50 points slow him down even more. So, when the bullies close in, have Junior dash into a clear path to outrun them.

    * Jr. Pac-Man turns corners faster than the ghost bullies. When the bullies are closing in, have him make lots of direction changes to outrun them.

    * Get to know the bullies' personalities. Each one is unique, and you can use that fact to your advantage.

    * Allow the toy candies to transform as many dots as possible into 50-point dots. But have Junior eat the candies before they destroy the power pills.

    * Pay attention to game sounds, such as the tromping sound of toy candies. They'll clue you to what's happening in parts of the maze you can't see.


    Typed by John Hardie

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