1. Hook up your video game system, following manufacturer's instructions.
2. With the power OFF, plug in the video game cartridge.
3. Turn power ON. If no image appears, check the connection of your game
system to the TV, then repeat steps 1-3.
4. Plug a 5200 Controller firmly into controller jack 1. This is a
one or two-player game using the same controller.
5. Keypad overlays are provided for your convenience. If you desire, slip
an overlay onto the keypad of your controller.
6. Press the keypad square marked 1-2 Players (the # key) to select either
the one-player or two-player version.
7. Players start with Mission #1 at the Cadet level. To begin at a higher
level, press the keypad square marked Rank Level (the * key) until the
desired level appears on the screen.
8. To start the game, press the START key or one of the two bottom trigger
buttons on the sides of the controller. The upper buttons have no
functions in the game. To pause the game at any point, press the PAUSE
key. To resume the game, press this key again. Pressing the START key
again at any time will immediately return the game to the first mission.
Pressing the RESET key will cause the title screen to reappear.
STRATEGY HINTS are located on the back of this manual.
Note: Never remove your video game cartridge from the console unless the
power is turned OFF.
Space Cadet:
By the time you read this communique, we of the interstellar Space Force
command will have been destroyed. The evil Gorfian Empire has launched an
all-out attack. You are Earth's last hope! Your assignment is to repel
the invasion and launch a counterattack. You will engage various hostile
spacecraft as you journey toward a dramatic confrontation with the enemy
Flag Ship! You will be rewarded for your success with promotions in rank
and praise from a grateful planet. But you must act quickly, Space Cadet!
Brief yourself on the Gorfian Robot Armada and then attack before it's...
The object of GORF is to accumulate points by destroying the various
types of enemy spacecraft you will encounter as you attempt to
complete a variety of space missions.
You begin each game with a fleet of five Fighters. Only one Fighter
at a time may fire upon the enemy. The time may fire upon the enemy.
The number of Fighters remaining in your fleet is indicated throughout
the game at the top of the screen.
Use the joystick to maneuver your Fighter back and forth, and up and
down. To fire your laser, press one of the two button trigger buttons
on the sides of your controller. You have an unlimited supply of
Note: Firing a shot causes a previously discharged bullet to disintegrate
if it hasn't yet made contact.
You will be awarded one extra fighter plus a promotion of Rank every
time you make it through the series of four space missions.
Before taking off into space, you must first defend the Earth from
the horde of advancing Gorfian Droids. These invaders decscend in
column formation and drop dangerous anti-matter bombs. Bonus points
are scored for hitting the bouncing Gorf and Command Ship that
randomly pass overhead. When the entire attack matrix is destroyed
you will proceed on to your next mission. Should any of the invaders
bust through your defense shield and reach the Earth's surface before
you've destroyed them, this mission will be terminated.
This orbital zone is the Gorfian Empire's first line of defense
against your counterattack. Destroy the anti-particle Laser Ships
while avoiding their deadly beams. Each Laser Ship is protected by
three Kamikaze Invaders and a Flying Gorf. They'll continuously try
to ram into you as you attempt to blast them all.
Points are scored for all enemies shot and destroyed. No points are
scored for Kamikaze Invaders blown up in a suicide-crash. When all
attack ships are destroyed, you will move on to your next battle.
You are getting closer to the enemy Flag Ship! Sensing your presence,
it generates an eerie space web which releases Gorfian Attackers and
Flying Gorfs firing subquark torpedoes. These aliens are released
one at a time and fly in a spiral pattern. When you succeed in
getting past this level, you'll be ready for your next and most
challenging mission.
To destroy the Gorfian Flag Ship and earn the right to work toward
your next promotion, you must score a direct hit in the Flag Ship's
internal power reactor vent. In order to get a clear shot at this
difficult target, you must first blast a hole in the Flag Ship's
heavy force field arc, while avoiding the heat-seeking missiles being
launched in your direction. The debris that falls from the Flag Ship
following a shot to its outer hull is radioactive, but may be fired
upon for extra points. Following a successful hit, a violent
neutronium explosion will appear in dazzling color as the Flag Ship
disintegrates. You are now a Space Captain and will repeat the
sequence of missions fighting against progressively faster and
nastier robots of the Gorfian Empire!
The game ends when all your Interstellar Space Fighters have been
destroyed by the robot warriors of the Gorfian Empire.
Two players may compete in GORF, alternating turns. Both players
must use the same controller. Since only one player can play at a
time, sharing should not pose a problem. Just be prepared to pass
the controller to the other player when your turn has ended. The
screen will notify each player as to whose turn it is.
Rank Missions
Space Cadet 1 to 4
Space Captain 5 to 8
Space Colonel 9 to 12
Space General 13 to 16
Space Warrior 17 to 20
Space Avenger 21 and up
Your score is displayed at the top of the screen throughout the game.
Mission Object Point Value
Astro Battles Gorfian Droids 50 points
Bouncing Gorf and
Command Ship 250 points
Laser Attack Kamikaze Invaders
and Flying Gorfs 100 points
Laser Ships 300 points
Space Warp Gorfian Attackers
and Flying Gorfs 100 points
Flag Ship Hitting Flag Ship 20 points
Debris and Flying
Gorfs* 150 points
Destroying Flag 1000 points
* Flying Gorfs appear with the Flag Ship starting at the
level of Captain.
1. Astro Battles. Start picking off the invaders from the edges.
By destroying entire columns, the rate of descent is reduced.
2. Laser Attack. Kamikazes and Flying Gorfs should be destroyed
at maximum possible range, especially when they power dive.
3. Space Warp. Attackers are easiest to destroy when they first
emerge. They are moving slower and the spiral movements is
4. Flag Ship. Create large holes in the force field arc before
attempting to hit the reactor. You'll have a better line of
Typed by Keita Iida