Try to keep from going bonkers as you dodge robot fire and elude the
robot gang leader, Evil Otto. Your objective: Destroy robots, rack
up as many points as possible, and stay alive as you move through a
multitude of maddening BERZERK mazes.
Use your joystick controller to move through the electrified
maze -- but don't touch the walls, or you'll fry! Press any red fire
button to shoot lasers at the robots.
Watch out for Evil Otto! He's invincible; nothing can destroy him.
Once he catches you, you'll never escape. He'll pound you to a pulp,
grinning like a maniac all the while. Your only hope is to get out
of the maze before Evil Otto reaches you. Then you'll be in a new
maze, facing a new set of robot goons. And Evil Otto will pursue
you again!
Each round is completed when you exit from the maze. The game ends
when you lose your last life.
Insert the BERZERK cartridge as explained in your Atari 5200 (tm)
owner's guide, and turn on your console.
Plug one 5200 controller into jack 1 for a one-player game; plug a
second controller into jack 2 for two-player games. The player
using jack 1 controls game selection and starts the game.
Use your joystick to move through the maze. You can shoot lasers in
any direction you move the joystick, although you cannot shoot while
running or with the joystick set in the neutral position.
Your Self-Control Buttons
Press START to begin the battle. Press PAUSE to stop and restart
the action. Press PAUSE, then RESET during game play to return to
the title screen. To restart the game at the same skill levl you
last played, press PAUSE, then START.
Game Options
Press the * key to cycle through the eleven progressively more
challenging skill levels. The skill level appears next to your
life indicators at the bottom of the screen. If you wait a few
seconds after selecting a skill level, the robot you'll encounter
in that game appears on screen to demonstrate its shooting
ability. You can then see what you're up against before you start
the action.
Press the # key to select a one-or two-player game.
Hearing Voices
The built-in voice is automatically activated when you start the
game. To silence the voice, press the 9 key on your controller --
the voice will say, "Chicken! Fight like a robot!" To reactivate
the voice, press the 7 key on your controller -- the voice will
say, "The humanois must not escape!" to tell you it is on again.
Listen to the built-in voice for valuable cues. For example,
"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" is a warning that Evil Otto is
coming to get you.
You start the game with three lives. You lose a life if you get hit
by laser fire, touch an exploding robot, run into a robot, touch the
wall, or get caught by Evil Otto.
Lives remaining are displayed next to your score. You win a bonus
life at 5000 and 10,000 points, but the maximum number of reserve
lives you can have is four.
Initially, the robots move and shoot slowly, but as the game
progresses, you reach more challenging skill levels. In these higher
levels, the robots move faster, shoot faster, and fire more shots at
once. As explained under GAME OPTIONS, you can start game play at a
higher skill level if you choose.
When you lose a life, you start with your next life at the same level
you last played. In two-player games, players alternate turns each
time a life is lost.
You score 50 points for each robot destroyed. When all the robots in
a single maze are destroyed, you score ten bonus points per robot.
Robots explode when they're hit by your laser or the lasers of other
robots, and when they run into maze walls, collide with each other,
or get pounded by Evil Otto. You can score a total of 999,990 points
before the score rolls over.
* As you move from one maze to another, continue pressing the fire
button. It takes the robots a moment to start their attack -- you
can often zap them first when you enter shooting.
* Evil Otto always enters in the same place you do. Try to get away
from this danger zone and near an exit as soon as possible.
* Because Evil Otto bounces up and down, it's easier to escape him
through the side exits than the top or bottom exits.
* In difficult levels where there are a lot of fast-moving, fast-
whooting robots, head for the cover of a maze wall immediately.
Allow the robots to collide with each other and to shoot one
another or to walk into your firing range. But don't wait too
long or you'll be trapped!
Typed by Keita Iida