• Your mission is to save the planet earth from total destruction! To do it, you must eliminate all 8 mega mines now approaching earth -- just one will shatter the earth like glass! And while you're blasting mega mines, you must also destroy a barrage of enemy ships as they chase you to the ends of the galaxy! The larger your conquests -- the bigger your reception upon returning home! Good luck with your mission!


    1. Place the cartridge firmly into the cartridge slot at the top of the Atari 5200 unit.

    2. Press the ON/OFF switch to ON.

    3. Once the initial animation scene has ended, press down the # button located on the joystick controller to choose the Chase or skill level desired. The numbers will appear at the bottom, left-hand side of the screen. You must press the # button each time in order to advance to the next Chase. NOTE: You cannot select Chase 25 through 34. You must survive Chase 24 to be awarded the opportunity to play Chase 25 or higher. If you lose at any Chase past 24, the game will automatically return to Chase 23.

    4. To begin playing, press down the START button on the joystick controller.


  • Plug the joystick controller firmly into the Atari 5200 unit at the jack labeled "No. 1."

  • Use your joystick to navigate your ship in any direction -- left, right, up, down, or diagonally. Press the lower FIRE buttons on either side of the joystick controller to shoot lasers at attacking enemy ships or mega mines. Holding down the FIRE buttons lets you fire in rapid succession.


  • The following illustrates the situations which may appear on the screen during the game.

    (illustration omitted for obvious reasons)

  • Each time you begin the game for the first time, or begin a new Chase after the earth has been destroyed, you receive 3 saucers, each having 1,000 units of energy.


  • The galaxy is surrounded by an invisible (and inescapable!) force field. Its perimeters are defined by the 4 Energy Generators located in the four furthermost corners of space, and by the 8 Shield Depots located across the top, sides, and bottom of the field. If you hit the Force Field, the galaxy sparks - you lose energy -- but bounce back. You can, however, shoot through the Force Field and destroy enemy ships or Mega Mines.


  • To activate your shields and become invulnerable to all enemy blasts and ramming, simply fly through one of the 8 Shield Depots. You will hear a short musical cue and your saucer will begin to flash. Now, if you ram an enemy ship, or if one rams you, it will automatically be destroyed. The shield lasts for approximately 10 seconds and you will use 100 units of energy upon activating it.


  • There is an endless supply of energy available from the 4 Energy Generators located just within the four corners of the Force Field. To reenergize, simply fly through one of the generators. Each horizontal pass through it gives you 12 additional units of energy. Each vertical pass through a generator gives you 24 additional units of energy. NOTE: For each second of saucer flight time, and for each single blast of your laser, you use 1 unit of energy. You also lose energy when your saucer bumps into hot stars and planets. When your energy level drops to 300 units, a warning will flash on the screen. Use all your energy and your saucer blows up! NOTE: When you have run out of energy, the energy displays on the screen will show an abnormal reading, such as 999999.


  • To fire lasers, simply hold down the FIRE button on the joystick and simultaneously move the joystick in the direction you want the laser to shoot.


  • This special game feature lets you lock your saucer on course, at a constant speed, and simultaneously continue to shoot in any direction -- regardless of the direction of travel. To fly, simply tap the joystick in the direction you wish to head. Then, by holding down the FIRE button, you will continue flying in that direction, but will be able to direct your missiles by moving the joystick.


    Destroying Enemy Ships:
    Ramatrons ... 10 points
    Characteristics: They ram only, and cannot go through planets. They are slower than jets.

    Ramalons ... 20 points
    Characteristics: They ram and fire lasers, but cannot go through planets.

    Firetrons ... 50 points
    Characteristics: They ram and fire lasers, but cannot go through planets.

    Firelons ... 60 points
    Characteristics: They ram and fire lasers, and can go through planets.

    Ramatron Jets ... 30 points
    Characteristics: They ram only, but cannot go through planets. ALL JETS HAVE DOUBLE SPEED.

    Ramalon Jets ... 40 points
    Characteristics: They ram only, and can go through planets.

    Firetron Jets ... 70 points
    Characteristics: They ram and fire lasers, but cannot go through planets.

    Firelon Jets ... 80 points
    Characteristics: They ram and fire lasers, and can go through planets.

    Destroying Mega Mines:

  • Each Mega mine is worth 3 times the point value of the type of enemy ship appearing in that "chase."

  • EX.: In Chase 1, Ramatrons worth 10 points each are the attacking fighters. Therefore, each Mega mine destroyed is worth 30 points (3 X 10 points).

    Bonus Saucers:

  • Whenever you successfully complete a Chase, you will be awarded 2 bonus saucers, each with 1,000 units of energy.

    Remaining Energy:

  • When you survive a Chase, the energy remaining in your saucer is converted into points and added to your score.


    "Pause" Button

  • While your saucer is moving, depress the "Pause" button on the joystick controller and the action will pause. To begin the action, simply press the "Pause" button again.

    * Button

  • At any time during the game, while the saucer is moving, you may abort your mission by pressing down the * button on the joystick controller. You may then press down the "Start" button to begin the preceding Chase again, or depress the # button to choose another chase, and then press the "Start" button to begin playing. NOTE: Whenever you abort your mission, you will lose all your bonus saucers and points accumulated to this point.

    "0" Button

  • At any time during the game, if you wish to eliminate the music, and hear only the battle sounds, press down the "0" button on the joystick. To restore the music, simply press the "0" button again.

    Reset Button

  • The Reset button will restart the game beginning with the animation sequence. The high score will be lost.


  • The game ends when you lose all of your saucers, or a mega mine reaches the earth and blows it apart! Press the START button to begin again.


    Typed by Keita Iida

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