5200 Instruction Manual Archive
5200 Instruction Manuals in ASCII format.
5200 SuperSystem Homepage
Your one stop resource for 5200 information. Home of the 5200
FAQ and rarity list.
Atari 5200 Museum
Tons of screenshots and pics of rare and unusual hardware,
games and accessories.
Atari Gaming Headquarters
Your complete online Atari resource.
Chris Knape's CVG Page
Has a section on the SuperSystem along with several reviews.
Dan Boris' Home Page
The man behind VSS -- a 5200 SuperSystem emulator. His site is
also home to the 5200 Tech Page.
Digital Press
The venerable classic gaming fanzine devotes a sizeable portion of its content
to Atari 5200 coverage.
History of Home Videogames Homepage
A comprehensive look at all the significant home videogame
systems, from past to present.
Pete's Vintage/Classic Games
Includes coverage of the 5200, as well as a section on how to
build your own arcade-quality joystick for the 5200.
Zophar's Domain
Terrific emulation site that has a nice section on the various 5200