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The 5200 is basically an Atari Computer without a keyboard. It has
all the major chips that the computers have with the exception of the
PIA chip, but most of the chips are at different memory locations.
The differences between the two machines are as follows:
* Memory
The 5200 has a fixed 16K of RAM. Memory locations $00-$18 and
$200-$21B are reserved for the BIOS to use.
The BIOS ROM of the 5200 is only 2K instead of 10K. Virtually
none of the computer's BIOS functions are implemented on the 5200.
The 5200 does not have a System Reset key, so bit 5 of NMIST is
not used.
The trigger inputs, TRIG0-TRIG3 are connected to the bottom
buttons of the controllers. The 5200 does not have Start, Select,
or Option buttons, so these lines are used as outputs. Bit 2 of
CONSOL enables and disables the joystick pots. Bits 0 and 1
control which keypad controller is being read. This only affects
the keypad buttons, and the top trigger buttons.
The eight paddle inputs from the computer are now wired to the
joysticks, 2 to each stick, one for vertical position and the
other for horizontal position. The joysticks are read in the same
way that the computer's paddles are read. On the 5200 the KBCODE
register bits 1-4 hold the scan code from the currently selected
keypad controller. Bit 6 of KBCODE is used to read the top button
of the controllers instead of the SHIFT key. They also cause the
BREAK-key interrupt. The POKEY's serial lines are connected to
the expansion connector.
* Cartridge
The cartridges can be up to 32K. There are two interlock
connectors that are wired together on a cartridge board. The 5200
uses this as a switch for the cartridge's power connections and as
a Reset signal. Therefore, a cartridge may be safely removed or
inserted while the 5200 is powered on.
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