In 1983, Canoga Park, California-based Game Source took over the North
American rights for sales and distribution from American Multiple Industries
for their line of adult video games. The line, formerly marketed by
Mystique Entertainment, was then changed to Playaround. Game Source
essentially took Mystique's titles and repackaged them in a double-ender
cartridge, with games on both ends of the cartridge. One title, Custer's
Revenge, which was a source of considerable controversy, was not picked
up by Playaround for distribution by Game Source (though it was initially
planned for release as Westward Ho, with the female version being
entitled General Retreat). It was discontinued in their adult
video game line because even though Mystique's intent was to depict an
entertaining amusing scenario, the game came to symbolize rape and racism in
the eyes of too many people.
Playaround had additional plans besides merely marketing their games
in a multigame format. In an attempt to tap the female gaming market,
they released several games that had the roles reversed. Bachelorette
Party was a female version of the game Bachelor Party.
Similarly, Jungle Fever, Gigolo, Knight on the
Town and Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em had their graphics altered
and renamed Burning Desire, Cathouse Blues, Lady
In Wading and Philly Flasher, respectively.
- No.205 Bachelor Party/Gigolo
- No.204 Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em/Lady in Wading
- No.202 Burning Desire/Bachelorette Party
- No.201 Cathouse Blues/Philly Flasher
- No.206 General Retreat/Westward Ho (not released)
- No.203 Knight on the Town/Jungle Fever