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In a break with traditional video game marketing strategy, Mythicon introduced three games at suggested retail prices of $9.95! The fact that the games were being sold for 99 cents in bargain bins everywhere within a few weeks is testament to how crappy the games were. Of course, the crashing videogame market didn't help matters any either.

The initial games from the Cupertino, California-based company were Sorcerer, Fire Fly and Star Fox. As Mythicon stated in their press releases, "Fire Fly and Sorcerer are multi-screen games with advanced graphics; Star Fox introduces Mythicon's artificial intelligence technology; and all three games offer varying levels of playing difficulty for novice through expert gamers." The statement further added, "Mythicon Inc. is believed to be the first video game company to offer high quality games with full distributor and dealer margins at this price level," according to Dave Dimmick, Mythicon vice president of marketing. The aformentioned claims were about as far from the truth as anything can possibly be.

Not only are the three games some of the worst carts in the history of videogames, they were essentially the same games with minor graphics tweaks! Quick-buck con artists like Mythicon were largely responsible for the overflowing of poor games that flooded the store shelves that ultimately led to the demise of videogames during its time.

Sorcerer, Fire Fly and Star Fox were all 4K cartridges, and three 8K games which were to be sequels to the first three, were to be ready later in 1983. Thankfully, Mythicon spared us the anguish by leaving the market for good sometime in the winter of 1983.


  • MA 1001 Sorcerer
  • MA 1002 Fire Fly
  • MA 1003 Star Fox


  • Counter Top Display (for dealers -- used to hold the Mythicon games)

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